How are your comic books and graphic novels shipped?
- Our single-issue comic books are bagged and boarded and then placed in a hard mailer for shipment to reduce damage.
- Our collected trades and graphic novels are inserted in a plastic slipcover and then placed in a hard mailer to reduce damage during shipping,
How do I submit my comic/graphic novel idea for consideration?
- Unfortunately, we have quite a few properties in development and are not looking for new content, but that can change in the future so please continue to follow our updates to see when the next window for submission will open up.
Where can I find copies of comic books from Unstoppable comics?
- The 1st place you can find them is here at UnstoppableComics.com, after that check your local comic book convention and look for our booth or one of our collaborators. If you are looking for our comics books in your local comic book shop and don’t see them, go to the counter and ask “WHY”?Then send them to Unstoppable Comics or send us a message telling us about the store and we will take it from there.
How do I submit my portfolio for upcoming work?
- All writers. artists, inkers, colorists, and letters should head on over to our contacts page to find the appropriate destination for your portfolio.